May 3, 2023
President’s introduction and opening remarks
• Web site –
• Ed MacIntosh, president
• FHCA is a volunteer non-profit organization – we volunteer our time (no payment is received by any volunteers) to represent the community dealing with issues that affect our community such as safety, traffic, development.
• FHCA helps shape policy and issues that involve our community.
• If you have problems in our community, please email us your information and we will look into these issues (go to Contact Us on the website or send email to This is our primary site to collect comments from residents about community issues so we know about them and can send them on to the City.
• Membership is free and open to all residents but donations are greatly appreciated as they pay for rental of meeting facilities, AV equipment, insurance, website etc. Donations can now be made online via e-transfer to
• If you are not currently on the email list, go to our website and sign up (on the right side of website page – click on become a member). You will receive notifications and reminders of the upcoming meetings each year. There may, occasionally, be notifications of open houses or events affecting FH residents.
• If you see a problem in your neighbourhood such as boulevard/park trees that need pruning, potholes, graffiti etc., use the MySurrey app – “Request Service” or go to then select “Report a Problem”. Pictures can be uploaded along with the request being made. Usually they will contact person making request in a few days and will take care of the problem as it fits into their schedule.
Treasurer’s report: The report was given with the current financial status.
Expenses incurred by the FHCA for meetings:
• $321.30 rental for 2 meetings this year (Nov 23, 2022 and May 3, 2023)
• $7.50 insurance for the 2 meetings
• Tech services $120 for 2 meetings (PA system, audiovisual system)
Policing and Safety update on safety and security by Commander of District #2 RCMP Sgt Kuldeep Dhillon. You can contact Sgt. Kuldeep Dhillon through the following email address: Specific officers can access this email to insure your issue is dealt with in a timely manner. Kuldeep can also be emailed directly at: By phone, he can be reached at 778-593-3318 or 604-365-1448. If urgent, dial 911. In the last 4 weeks reported stats on crime for Fraser Heights was low:
• Call RCMP non-emergency line to report any criminal activity (or 911 if currently happening) – no report, no stats. These stats determine areas that might need more police patrols. Residents post on Facebook with video but need to report and share videos with police. If no reports, the stats don’t show what crime is happening.
Block Watch – Ruby Chhina-Patel, Community Programs coordinator works with the City and the RCMP
• Ruby sets up Block Watch for neighbourhoods. Contact: to start a block watch group. This program is for residents to actively be involved in crime reduction in their neighbourhoods. Residents report crimes in progress or suspicious activity to police and Block Watch group. Benefits – communication between neighbours.
• For more information on Block Watch see website:
• Please notify police if you see people with backpacks or are acting suspiciously roving around. Patrols can’t be sent if they don’t know about it. If on surveillance video – provide copy to police.
• Remove garage door opener, insurance papers, keys, bags, backpacks from your vehicles – do not leave anything in that can be stolen or used for later crimes.
• Catalytic converters – Police have teamed with ICBC and garages to etch your VIN number on the converter. Kal Tire will do it free of charge, if asked. More locations etching VIN numbers will be announced in the future.
Translink update:
• Kyle Rosenke and Juliana Craig from Translink did a presentation and Q&A
• Translink serves metro Vancouver with a variety of services – trains (including SkyTrain), SeaBus, rapid buses, HandiDart etc.
• Service south of the Fraser has increased by 20%
• Cities need more sidewalks, bike paths, bike lockers, parkades to make it easier to move around.
• Surrey/Langley SkyTrain extension is expected to open 2028
• The new 338 bus, servicing east Fraser Heights, has no timeline as to when it will start. Translink will have a better idea in the fall of 2024 as to a possible start date. To expedite this bus route, please contact councillors and the mayor so that they emphasize the need for this route in their meetings with Translink.
• Q&A:
a) Bus stop by Hwy 1 off-ramp concern for transit riders and vehicles. Intersection of 164/104 was to have a traffic light installed but this has been delayed.
b) Bus shelters and benches are the responsibility of municipalities. Sometimes, they are not in synch with Translink and may appear before a new route starts.
c) How to pay on transit? – Compass cards can be bought at London Drugs and refill it there or refill online. You can also tap your credit/debit card.
Traffic report:
• 104/164 and 108/164 – police report – police came, monitored the intersections, issued tickets, and will come again
New Provincial legislation Bill C-26 affecting planning process in Surrey – in order to build faster, public hearings will not be held for any developments less than 6 lots. If you see a green development sign go up and you do not like it, let FHCA know. The following are developments less than 6 lots:
• Development 7921-0349-00 (5 lots)
• Development 7921-0243-00 (5 lots)
• Development 7921-0282-00 (5 lots)
• Development 7922-0243-00 (3 lots)
• Development 7922-0028-00 (3 lots)
• Development 7923 – 0070 – 00 (2 lots )
FHCA has been working with developers using a formula of 17 units per acre, double wide garages (not tandem) and 1 visitor parking spot per every 3 units so visitors will park on the lot, not surrounding streets. The following has been in the works since 2018:
• Development 7918 – 0145 – 00 (45 Townhouses)
• Transmountain Pipeline (TMP) update – Zoom meeting Jan 10, 2023
a) about 40 residents met with Transmountain to discuss issues.
b) Constant noise and drilling – have to grin and bear it until it’s done
• Federal Electoral Boundaries
a) At this point in time, it looks like all of Fraser Heights will be in one riding along with Langley, Fort Langley and Port Kells
Next Meeting will be September 27, 2023