President’s introduction and opening remarks
• Web site –
• Ed MacIntosh, president
• FHCA is a volunteer non-profit organization – we volunteer our time (no payment is received by any volunteers) to represent the community dealing with issues that affect our community such as safety, traffic, development.
• FHCA helps shape policy and issues that involve our community.
• If you have problems in our community, please email your information and we will look into these issues (go to Contact Us on the website or send email to This is our primary site to collect comments from residents about community issues so we know about them and can send them on to the City.
• Membership is free and open to all residents but donations are greatly appreciated as they pay for rental of meeting facilities, AV equipment, insurance, website etc. Donations can now be made online via e-transfer to
• If you are not currently on the email list, go to our website and sign up (on the right side of website page – click on become a member). You will receive notifications and reminders of the upcoming meetings each year. There may, occasionally, be notifications of open houses or events affecting FH residents.
• If you see a problem in your neighbourhood such as boulevard/park trees that need pruning, potholes, graffiti etc., use the MySurrey app – “Request Service” or go to then select “Report a Problem”. Pictures can be uploaded along with the request being made. They usually contact the person making a request in a few days and will take care of the problem as it fits into their schedule.
Treasurer’s report: The report was given with the current financial status.
Expenses incurred by the FHCA per meeting:
• $214.20 rental of FHSS theatre (Sept 27, 2023)
• $7.50 insurance
• Tech services $60 (PA system, audiovisual system)
• Total expenses per meeting – $281.70.
• We do not bring in enough money to continue to have meetings at FHSS. E-transfers, and the jar we send around are our only sources of money.
• An alternate location could be the Rec Centre but it is not open after 8 p.m.
• Do any residents know of a place that rents at a much lower cost that we could use to hold meetings?
Policing and Safety update on safety and security by Commander of District #2 RCMP Sgt Kuldeep Dhillon. You can contact Sgt. Kuldeep Dhillon through the following email address: Specific officers can access this email to insure your issue is
dealt with in a timely manner. Kuldeep can also be emailed directly at: By phone, he can be reached at 778-593-3318 or 604-365-1448. If urgent, dial 911. In the last 4 weeks reported stats on crime for Fraser Heights was low:
• Break and enter – 3
• Theft – other – 3
• Theft of auto – 2
• Theft from auto – 1
• Call RCMP non-emergency line to report any criminal activity (or 911 if currently happening) – no report, no stats. These stats determine areas that might need more police patrols. Residents post on Facebook with video but need to report and share videos with police. If no reports, the stats don’t show what crime is happening. The police may not attend an incident but they do record it.
Block Watch – Ruby Chhina-Patel, Community Programs coordinator works with the City and the RCMP
• Personal and safety tips: especially at night, be aware of your surroundings, carry one piece of ID with you, wear light reflective clothing, pay attention when wearing headphones, walk where there are lights, buddy-up when walking, carry small amounts of or no money, make sure no one is watching if using ATM
• Home safety – secure your doors/windows, pull drapes, keep porch light on, set alarm system, make sure patio doors/windows can’t be lifted out, check that garage door closes (if living in complexes, make sure the garage and door to complex close behind you).
• Use peephole for door if not expecting someone and ask who it is. If they say they’re the police, look for car/uniform. You don’t have to open the door.
• If you have a garage opener in your car, take it with you or lock it in glove compartment.
• Tips for doors – deadbolt should be 1” or longer, striker plate should have 3” or longer screws
• Lighting – use LED and sensor lights around the outside of your house. Keep porch light on at night or use a sensor light
• Mail theft – if you see someone suspicious around mailbox, call it in – report to police and Canada Post. If it is an active robbery, call 911
• Switch your bills to e-bills so they are not in mailbox
• Identity theft – your personal info can be stolen from your garbage/recycling – remove labels from Amazon boxes/mail etc. If you have shredder, shred mail so no ID in recycling bin. They are looking for legal full name, DOB, driver’s license, mailing address, SIN etc.
• Computer information theft – scammers will call and say they are from Microsoft and will try to take control of your computer.
• Report identity theft and fraud to Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre – 1-888-495-8501. Credit Bureau – Equifax Canada – 1-800-465-7166, TransUnion Canada – 1-877-525-3823
• Vehicle safety – lock doors when in car or leaving car, park in well lit areas, do not open car door or window to strangers that approach, plan your route, tell others where you’re going, keep your garage door opener/registration out of your car (e.g. in trunk), or well hidden. If stopped by police, they only need to see first page of registration (it can be a photocopy with the address removed).
• Prevention – remove all valuables. The targeted items are phones and accessories, wallet/purses/bags, GPS and other electronics, ID, work tools, sunglasses.
Translink update:
• Lack of transit past 168 St. A FH resident took up a petition and sent it into Translink/Surrey.
• FH transit has been increased – full size buses run 7 days a week.
• Before the pandemic, a 338 bus was under consideration by Translink and bus stops were installed by Surrey in anticipation of the upcoming new route. This route has been delayed and there is no current timeline for its implementation. To expedite this bus route, please contact councillors and the mayor so they can emphasize the need for this route to Translink.
• Surrey/Langley SkyTrain extension to Langley is expected to open 2028
• Q&A:
a) Traffic – residents asked if 156 St, HOV entry to #1, could be open to all. This had been discussed previously. 156 St./Hwy #1 onramp/offramp were designed to handle HOV vehicles only. If open to all, vehicles would end up in HOV lanes and there would be constant traffic jams on 156 St.
New Provincial legislation Bill C-26 affecting planning process in Surrey – in order to build faster, public hearings will not be held for any developments less than 6 lots. If you see a green development sign go up and you do not like it, let FHCA know. The following are developments less than 6 lots:
• project 7922-0254-00 (58 townhouse units) – 177A – solid rock steel up the hill from there – no tandem garages – 2 car-wide, no more than 17 units/acre. Because of lack of transit – we ask for 1 extra space per 3 units than City requires. Construction start time unknown
• project 7922-0243-00 (3 family homes & 1 park) – far east end – 181 St
• project 7923-0155-00 (temporary truck parking) – agreement between Ministry of Transportation – on south side of the freeway (not in FH)
• project 7923-0011-00 (7 lots) – Barnston and 179 – will be public hearing but is in compliance with that area – 4 to 6 units per acre
• project 7921-0170-00 (13 lots) 100 and 172 – acreage being developed
• Rogers Telecommunication Tower (160 St & 108A Ave) – it is an extension on a telephone pole – on west side of 160 St (new parking lot by Red Shiso)
• Vape Shop at Canco gas station – this type of licensing is through the City. RCMP do not have stats on these shops. Vape Shops must have a business license. 19+ age requirement (same as liquor store – need ID). The onus is on owner to check. Ghost shoppers are sent to these stores to see if in compliance and they could have license removed if violate this.
• 10693 Fraser Glen Drive property has been sold and it was reported it would be demolished for a new build – could be 5000 sq feet, not including basement.
• Child Care Building at Erma Stephenson School
a) Application Nov 2019, construction started shortly after March 2020 (15 portable units brought on site and joined together). Covid happened which restricted their ability to build
b) Building permits got backlogged and delayed
c) Redesigns needed due to budget overruns. City requirements changed on some aspects of the building – ceiling height, metal stairs to wooden ones, exits, awnings, landscape etc.
d) Appears to be on track for opening Sept 2024.
• Upgrading 104 Ave from 160 St to 168 St – in the 2 to 5 year plan. Prior to Covid, we were to get traffic lights at intersection of 104 Ave. and164 St. but project was delayed.
• 3 way stop to be installed at Barnston Drive & 177A St – townhouses on south side. This is a busy intersection – no definite date as to when it’ll happen.
• Paving Intersection at 160 & 108 Ave – City is considering this – they want to pave all of 160th.
• Paving 110 Ave (156 to 157 St) completed,