RCMP update

Update from Sgt Mike Spencer of the RCMP:

Hello Fraser Heights,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Holiday – and I hope that you are able to have a relaxing, enjoyable Christmas with friends and family.

It seems like it has been a while since our last ‘chat’ at the FHCA in September and I look forward to our next one in January.  In the meantime, I will leave you with some important information that will hopefully help everyone have a safe holiday, and beyond.

Although Fraser Heights has been relatively ‘quiet’ for the past little while (don’t worry, I’m knocking on wood), we have seen a couple of ‘annual’ trends in other parts of the city that could easily find their way into neighbourhoods like yours.

Evening Residential Break & Enters – literally only a couple, however another part of the city has seen this somewhat rare occurrence crop up.  We are obviously very alive to the fact that this is a rare M/O for Property Thieves to use and we are doing everything we can to keep our thumbs on the pulse of it.  Fraser Heights has been victimized in the past with these types of crimes, so I would encourage you to take all of the usual measures that I speak of regularly at our meetings.

Theft from Auto where the Garage Door Opener is targeted – this is a trend that has surfaced in a different part of the city, however given the previous problems that we have had with TFA’s in Fraser Heights, I think this would be an excellent time to remind everyone about how susceptible their vehicle is when it is left unattended – whether it’s in your driveway overnight, or in the parking lot of a mall… if you leave valuables in your vehicle, you are risking them being incentive to have your car broken into and these items (among others) stolen.   This is a crime of opportunity – so let’s spend valuable seconds each day to take away their opportunity !!

To end my somewhat unorthodox “Holiday Wishes”, I will let you know about some encouraging news.   I have attached area maps of Surrey, District 2, and (highlighted) Fraser Heights.  These maps are showing the TFA locations for Oct 9th to Nov 5th, and Nov 6th to Dec 3rd.    These maps indicate that the TFA issue, which was steadily growing last spring and hit a peak in the summer, have steadily declined since our ’emergency’ meeting that we had at the FHCC.   I am confident that a combination of police targeting and, in particular, the diligence of the Fraser Heights residents have helped dramatically reduce these issues.  I can tell you that the Theft of Auto and Residential B&E crimes are also down.    Needless to say, this is fantastic news and I am certain that, together, we can continue to work to continue the downward trend in these areas.

Wishing everyone a very merry and safe Christmas.



Sergeant Mike Spencer, Regimental 46334

Guildford/Fleetwood Community Response Unit 

Surrey RCMP – District 2 Commander

10395 148 St, Surrey, BC, V3R 6S4



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