FHCA meeting minutes, January 30, 2019


January 30, 2019


President’s report

  • Web site – fhca.ca
  • Ed MacIntosh, president
  • FHCA is a volunteer non-profit organization – we volunteer our time to represent the community dealing with issues that affect our community such as safety, traffic, development
  • The FHCA met four times a year in the past to discuss issues that affect our community but we are now meeting 3 times per year to minimize costs (meeting dates at end of minutes).
  • FHCA helps shape policy and issues that involve our community
  • If you have problems in our community, please send your information to us and we will look into these issues (go to Contact Us on the fhca.ca website or send email to directors@fhca.ca). This is our primary site to collect comments from residents about community issues so we know about them and can send them on to the City.
  • Membership is free and open to all residents. If you are not currently on the email list, go to our website and sign up (on the right side of website page – click on become a member).  You will receive three notifications and three reminders of the upcoming meetings per year.  There may also be notifications of open houses or events affecting FH residents.


Treasurer’s report:  The report was given with current financial status – $1,888.67


RCMP update on safety and security – District #2 Commander for Guildford/Fleetwood, Sgt Mike Spencer, was not able to attend tonight (Community Response Unit).  In his place, Corporal Teri Leslie attended to present the policing report.  You can contact Sgt. Mike Spencer or Corporal Teri Leslie through the following email address:  fleetwood@rcmp-grc.gc.ca.  Specific officers can access this email to insure your issue is dealt with in a timely manner.  Mike can also be reached at:  mike.spencer@rcmp-grc.gc.ca and voicemail messages can be left for him at phone # 778-593-3396 if your concerns are not urgent.  If urgent, dial 911.

  • Please note the District 2 office has been closed since a sewage line ruptured in August 2018 and a re-opening date has not yet been announced.
  • Dec 15 to Jan 15 police report for Fraser Heights:
  1. 2 Break & Enter
  2. 2 theft of vehicles. Older models easier to steal.  Do not leave your cars warming up with keys left in cars.
  3. 12 theft from vehicles (coins, electronics etc., taken) – thieves are in and out of cars quickly so they’re difficult to catch. Glenwood area had the highest number of these crimes
  4. Car jacking Jan 15 in FH (2 more elsewhere in Surrey) near 155 St and 109A Ave. Female was in her driveway with her white 2016 Jeep Cherokee.  Guns were involved in this car jacking.  If you see this vehicle with plates 605 KMP, call it in so police can locate vehicle (the plates have probably been changed).  Suspects have been identified and one of the 3 vehicles stolen was recovered.  It was reported that there was a suspicious white SUV Nissan or Santa Fe parked nearby.  If they have gun, give car over and call 911.  Police say, when you get home, park your car and go into your home.  Do not sit in car on cell phone.
  • Police mentioned that a lot of the offenders (theft from auto) that are caught are repeat offenders and are eventually released. Police do not do forensics unless valuable clues such as blood are left at the scene.
  • More police presence was requested in FH. Video surveillance can be valuable for police if you see something suspicious on your home security video feed, provide the information to the police.
  • A resident asked if there was a ring operating here. Since criminals are so fast and have no set times in which they target cars, they have been hard to catch.  This is happening all over Surrey with a higher concentration in South Surrey.
  • A resident mentioned unhygienic trash (e.g., condoms), liquor bottles and drug deals happening on 164 St north of 112 Ave (on the outer west edge of North Slope Buffer Park – green space that is on the east side of 164 in that area). She reported it to police but was asked to give license plate numbers.  Since she doesn’t walk there at night, it would be helpful if any residents witnessing suspicious activity in that area report the license plate numbers to police.  Call in when it is happening (probably late at night).  Put in complaint to City of Surrey for clean up – keep on complaining so City will take note.  Also write letter/email to District 2 RCMP (this is a City and police issue) and send a copy to the directors of the FHCA.  If the area is made less attractive (cameras, lighting), perpetrators will move on.  Ask City what they are doing about the problem.  Send exact location.
  • A Resident mentioned the installation of cameras on the southeast side of the 156 St underpass. This is most likely being done by the City of Surrey to monitor traffic.
  • A resident mentioned that vehicles are speeding along 104 Ave. (especially between 160 and 164 Streets) and it is hard to cross 104 either in a vehicle or as a pedestrian. Partners in Traffic can be requested to come to measure speed of vehicles.  Note – FHCA directors have met with the City about 104 Ave/164 St Intersection and were told there was enough volume of traffic to have a   signal light installed there.  This area is controlled by City and Province so even though it is in the works, it could take some time before the lights are put in.
  • Patrols were heavily present in FH Oct/Nov. but it was found that the criminal activity was lighter compared to previous years.
  • Call non-emergency line if you see something suspicious


Development – residential:

  • 9845 182 A St – 4 lots – no issues with this development


MLA Constituency report by Amna Shah (amna.shah@leg.bc.ca) who spoke on behalf of Garry Begg as he was unable to attend tonight’s meeting.  Deanna Fasciani, constituency assistant for Garry Begg, also attended the meeting (Deanna.Fasciani@leg.bc.ca)

  • Constituents can book appointments in advance with Garry Begg by emailing him at begg.mla@leg.bc.ca or by calling his office at 604-586-3747. Constituency office is at #201 15135 101 Ave (in the lot with Wendy’s)
  • Office – advocacy for constituents and outreach, plus can help connect you to provincial services
  • Garry’s office deals with provincial matters and he will refer to MP or City of Surrey as necessary
  • Referrals are made to gov’t services, programs and non-gov’t services
  • Please contact the office if you are looking for volunteering opportunities
  • Garry will provide special congratulatory and greeting messages
  • If you have problems with gov’t forms, Garry’s office can print them, help you fill them out and fax them to the various gov’t offices
  • There was a Christmas open house in Dec. Several hundred people came out.  Note – there will be more events in the future to bring the community together
  • Deadline and applications – community gaming grants are available for not for profit organizations that benefit the communities. Currently active – Arts provides up to $100,000 a year for regional or provincial – applications get posted Feb 1 to Apr 30.  There are other grants posted later in year – check gov.bc.ca  This site is especially good for ‘not for profit’ organizations needing money.
  • Order of BC – if you know of any worthy individuals, ask Garry’s office where to submit the names – March 1 deadline for this year.
  • Public engagements – gov’t likes feed back on their public consultations such as reviewing money laundering and real estate. The deadline was Jan 31 to give feedback.  Submissions had to be emailed on gov’t website – engage.gov.bc.ca.  Check this site to see feedback.
  • Money laundering tip portal – submit any information you might have on luxury cars, horse racing and other forms of suspected money laundering before the Feb 28 deadline (at 4 pm ).
  • Speculation tax exemption forms for your residences. These should arrive in mail but if you haven’t received yours by end of Feb., contact Garry’s office.  The forms will have Declaration code and letter ID numbers on them that you will have to use when applying online.  If you do not have a computer or this is too difficult to do, ask Garry’s office or phone 1-833-554-2323.  This easy process takes 3 to 10 minutes to do online.  If there are two owners of your property, both must declare they are the property owners (each one gets an individual set of numbers).  Line at end of declaration letter states, if not received by March 31, you may be charged 0.5% tax.  This won’t be charged if you’ve filed and are exempt.
  • 156 new child care spaces are being created in Surrey (these are BC Childcare spaces). Qualified individuals can apply online to work at these Childcare Centres on the BC Childcare website.
  • The Surrey Urgent Primary Care facility is open and operating on 137th Street across from Surrey Memorial Hospital. This is for medical visits that are not emergencies such as minor cuts, sprains etc.  If individuals are unable to see their family doctors in a reasonable time for a health problem, they can also use this facility.
  • HOV exit off #1 to 156 St. A resident wants this HOV designation removed so all can use this on/off ramp.  It is often policed in rush hour but individual residents and guests to FH have been ticketed using this ramp (it is just for HOV vehicles).  Garry’s office will check and see if it is possible to have this exit/onramp changed from HOV so it can be used whether HOV or not.


Traffic – Golden Ears Connector intersections at Hwy 15, exit from Hwy 15 

  • Doug Hyde, Alaina Farmer and Michelle Bell (project managers and technicians) were present at our meeting (they had previously met at Garry Begg’s office with some of the FH Directors)
  • SFPR opened 2013, Golden Ears construction started 2015, and the interim facility opened 2017. This project has now been funded to complete the work.
  • There is an elevation change on Hwy 17 but the connector is relatively flat. This route is ½ km shorter than going Highway #1.
  • The connector passes through 177A and 179 Streets and connects to Golden Ears Way
  • Design changes – The 104 Ave intersection uses at-grade crossing over CN rail. While the crossing was originally designed at 177A street, due to land ownership issues, the new location will now be shifted 60 meters to the east of the current location. This creates storage for the left turn to Barnston Island, improves traffic off #1 and separates traffic from intermodal yard.  It was noted that the number of crossings was monitored, and it was noted that the railway gates went down 93 times in 72 hours due to trains shunting out and going back and forth.  The plan is to move the rail crossing slightly to east so there are less “calls” on the railway crossing.  CN had said the shunting would be in Thornton yard.  FH directors have contacted/attempted to contact CN multiple times about this problem but it has not been resolved.
  • Pedestrians and Cyclists will have their own railway gate so they can connect to the multiuse pathway.
  • Currently, 179 Street intersection has centre median barriers and no railway signal pre-emption so it is unsafe to make turns. When the sensor recognizes train coming, the left turn movement cannot go, as they would obstruct the connector. When a traffic light is installed at the intersection, opening to full movement traffic – right/left turns and a long left turn queue – should entice lumber mill to use 179 St access rather than 104 Ave so there would be fewer  “calls” on the railway system. Prior to installation of the light, there is the need to re-orient the usage of the intersection.
  • Anticipated construction schedule for this project:
  • Mid February is the call for tender to get pricing for project
  • Contract awarded in March
  • 3 months of work anticipated so completion of project should be middle of summer
  • 104 Ave rail crossing – there is an elevation difference between east and west bound rails that could be dangerous to trucks so a rail lift will bring both rails to the same elevation.
  • Traffic management – in order to do a rail lift, that crossing will have to be closed for a maximum of 72 hours. Traffic for Surrey Bend or Barnston Island will be diverted through Triggs road and connect to 104 Ave.  The lumber mill has not yet been approached to see if this is do-able.
  • CN rail improvements next step;
  • West bound on connector – there currently is no advance notice of what lane to be in – must be in center lane. Signage will be put in so traffic will know which lane to be in.
  • A resident made request to make signs bigger (currently, they are up high and too small). Standard ministry signs will be put in place.  Road lane markers are needed.  Thermoplast will be used (it is a plastic based paint with higher concentration of glass beads) so the lane markers will be more reflective.
  • A resident mentioned the shadowing of the old lines which show up in rain. It was noted that, as asphalt wears, those shadowed lines disappear.
  • A resident mentioned – Trucks line up in left turn lane coming from west queuing to go into CN intermodal yards, which causes congestion in getting on to the Connector. It was reported that there will be separation of this from 104 Ave.  Currently, they stop at gates so trucks back up.  The access will be extended so trucks will be driving further into the yard and less queuing outside.
  • Left turn both coming west bound on connector and going east bound onto connector – need left turn signal. Light is not long enough, especially when trucks are coming out of Intermodal yard.  One truck might get through on a light but not the rest of the traffic.  People can’t see the sign across the highway and the one on this side is too high and far back so the first car cannot see it.  The cars behind it can and so they sit and honk at the first car.
  • Trucks run in peak times as they are commissioned to get goods to/from the railway in a specific time frame. It’s the nature of the businesses along the connector.
  • 176 St and 104 Ave – there are so many lights and it’s confusing which light is for which lanes/directions. Need traffic engineer to look at lights as people end up in the wrong lane.  Part of solution is signage so people know which lane they should be in.  There will be some work on traffic signals to coordinate them.
  • 104 Ave left turn onto Hwy 15 (176 St) – if the 3rd vehicle is behind two 18 wheelers, they have to wait 3 lights. A dual sensor system is needed to extend left turn light.  Even when there are 6 vehicles, the light is not currently extended.
  • Right turn coming off Hwy 15 northbound on to the Golden Ears connector – timing of this signal needs to change – can wait 3 minutes before can turn. Doug Hyde responded that this will be changed to allow right turn when other light is red – currently no right on red.
  • With the new traffic lights at 179 St, there will be significant noise from trucks using air brakes to stop for the intersection – what noise mitigation plans are there for nearby residents. Doug Hyde responded that there are no noise mitigation plans in the works. The noise levels that were measured were of background traffic noise, and did not take into account airbrakes or railway.
  • Airbrakes – signage will say airbrakes should not be used in the area but it is not enforceable.
  • When vehicles come down 176 St to make right turn to Golden Ears or to Barnston Island – due to signal pre-emption, when train occupying crossing they can’t move into right hand lane. Lots of storage up the hill but they have to wait.  CN not very willing to compromise – trains on tracks mean that vehicles have to wait.  Vehicle vs. train conflict.
  • A resident stated that in the News tonight, there was talk about Roberts Bank expanding. Will SFPR be able to handle the added truck traffic?  It was noted that trucks tend to use both lanes and have their lights flashing while going up the hill which means regular traffic is not able to get by the trucks.  Trucks need to be limited to using only the right lane.


Announcements and Members Concerns

  • Aerial spraying for gypsy moths in the northwest corner of Fraser Heights from the #1 Hwy and Fraser River (https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2018FLNR0328-002345) will occur between April and June 2019 as there were several gypsy moths caught around Dogwood campgrounds and in the ravine nearby. The moths defoliate leafy trees including fruit trees.
  • Chafer beetle – City has no plans in place to deal with this widespread problem that has affected many areas of Fraser Heights. New West had a program that used Nematodes but Surrey didn’t buy into it as it is a very time-sensitive application that may not work if not handled properly.
  • 104 Ave and 170A St – currently, there is no crossing guard at the flashing pedestrian light. It is dangerous for school children to cross there as the traffic is going fast.  The Commissionaires have no crossing guards available.  The City said that enforcement of speed was the main issue.
  • Parkview Place, a project of just short of 100 homes, is under construction (south of 104 Ave between 165 and 167 Streets) – a resident asked if there will be a working light at the entrance to this project. 164 St/104 Ave is slated to get a working traffic light.  Once the homes are built, traffic volume testing should be done as most homes will have 2 or more cars.

Meetings for the remainder of the 2018/2019 school year:

May 8, 2019

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