November 23, 2022
President’s introduction and opening remarks
- Web site –
- Ed MacIntosh, president
- FHCA is a volunteer non-profit organization – we volunteer our time (no payment is received by any volunteers) to represent the community dealing with issues that affect our community such as safety, traffic, development.
- This is the first FHCA “in person” meeting since January 29, 2020 due to Covid restrictions.
- FHCA helps shape policy and issues that involve our community.
- If you have problems in our community, please send your information to us and we will look into these issues (go to Contact Us on the website or send email to This is our primary site to collect comments from residents about community issues so we know about them and can send them on to the City.
- Membership is free and open to all residents but donations are very welcome as they help pay for rental of meeting facilities, AV equipment, insurance etc. If you are not currently on the email list, go to our website and sign up (on the right side of website page – click on become a member). You will receive notifications and reminders of the upcoming meetings each year. There may, occasionally, be notifications of open houses or events affecting FH residents.
- Special thanks to Liane McMahon for all her incredible and invaluable volunteer work over many, many years. She has moved and no longer resides in Fraser Heights. We will miss her!!
Treasurer’s report: The report was given with the current financial status.
Expenses incurred by the FHCA for meetings:
- $321.30 rental for 2 meetings this year (Nov 23, 2022 and May 3, 2023)
- $7.50 insurance
- Tech services $60 per meeting (PA system, audiovisual system)
Policing and Safety update on safety and security by Commander of District #2 RCMP Sgt Kuldeep Dhillon. You can contact Sgt. Kuldeep Dhillon through the following email address: Specific officers can access this email to insure your issue is dealt with in a timely manner. Kuldeep can also be reached at: He can also be reached at 778-593-3318 or cell 604-365-1448. If urgent, dial 911. Continue reading