Minutes, FHCA Meeting September 18, 2019


September 18, 2019


President’s report/Opening remarks

  • Web site – fhca.ca
  • Ed MacIntosh, president
  • FHCA is a volunteer non-profit organization – we volunteer our time (no payment is received by any volunteers) to represent the community dealing with issues that affect our community such as safety, traffic, development.
  • The FHCA will meet 3 times this year (Sept 18, Jan 29, May 6).
  • FHCA helps shape policy and issues that involve our community
  • If you have problems in our community, please send your information to us and we will look into these issues (go to Contact Us on the fhca.ca website or send email to Directors@fhca.ca). This is our primary site to collect comments from residents about community issues so we know about them and can send them on to the City.
  • Membership is free and open to all residents but donations to help pay for rental of meeting facilities, AV equipment, insurance etc. is very welcome. If you are not currently on the email list, go to our website and sign up (on the right side of website page – click on become a member).  You will receive three notifications and three reminders of the upcoming meetings per year.  There may also be notifications of open houses or events affecting FH residents.


Treasurer’s report:  The report was given with the current financial status.


RCMP update on safety and security – District #2 Commander for Guildford/Fleetwood, Sgt Mike Spencer (Community Response Unit).  You can contact Sgt. Mike Spencer through the following email address:  fleetwood@rcmp-grc.gc.ca.  Specific officers can
access this email to insure your issue is dealt with in a timely manner.  Mike can also be reached at:  mike.spencer@rcmp-grc.gc.ca and voicemail messages can be left for him at phone # 778-593-3396 if your concerns

are not urgent.  If urgent, dial 911.

Cpl Natingor (Serious Crime Unit) commented on the targeted, gang-related shooting in Fraser Heights on September 3, 2019 around 111 Ave and 160 St:

  • 2 men sustained non-life threatening gun shot wounds and were released from hospital. Thomas Saul, from New Westminster, was intended target.  He was known to police and was involved in drug activity.  He had been targeted on Aug 21 in Burnaby at another shooting.  The second person was not known to police and cooperated with them.
  • Saul hasn’t been seen in FH since this shooting.
  • Saul was a violent crime victim and could only be incarcerated if he was breaking the law.
  • RCMP have increased patrols in FH.

Sgt. Mike Sanchez (RCMP Gang Enforcement Team).

  • Surrey has biggest uniformed gang unit in Canada. It is involved in Enforcement, Prevention, Intervention and Education.
  • “Shattering the Image” is an anti-gang presentation for youth in elementary and high schools, parents and educators in Surrey to show the true story behind gangs before ‘at risk’ youth become involved in crime. Presentations can be booked for groups as small as 10 to 15 at surrey_diversity@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
  • There had not been a lot of content for females but since more girls are becoming involved, Project Lavender has been introduced to address females in gangs.
  • Street level dealers used to be average age of 23/24 but are now as young as 15.
  • RCMP keep tabs on gangs, follow them and wait for them to break probation or laws before they can be arrested
  • For those involved in crime, there is a program to get people out of criminal lifestyle
  • Remember, it is very important to report any suspicious activity such as multiple cars pulling up to specific houses or cars meeting up with other cars in your area as drug deals may be happening. If these are reported, it helps RCMP know where to patrol.
  • RCMP have adopted the IPP program (Inadmissible Patrons Program) to increase safety in and around establishments that have registered. Police can enter and evict these people from the premises.  Some of the registered businesses are Cactus Club, Browns, Joseph Richards group, Edith and Arthur, S+L, and Taphouse.  Registered places display a red and black sticker.

Sgt. Mike Spencer

  • Block watch and other pamphlets were available to those attending
  • Emergency meeting at the Fraser Heights Rec Centre on July 5th about theft from auto
  • # of thefts from Auto decreased from 35 (5 weeks before that meeting) to 21 (40% decrease 5 weeks following the meeting). 21 is still 21 too many.
  • Secure your property – thieves continuously walk around trying car handles
  • 99% of cars targeted had no physical damage – they had been left unlocked
  • Theft from auto for past 28 days was highest in Whalley area and very low in Fraser Heights.
  • B&E – last year, a gang targeted FH. This group was eradicated and B&E rate has dropped significantly
  • Theft of autos in the past 2 weeks – none in FH – it was mainly concentrated in north west Surrey
  • Criminals adapt to security – they now target the keys, not the car, then take garage door openers or other keys that may be hidden in a car to commit further crimes
  • 2008 – antitheft devices were added to cars
  • Some cars have a black box which registers speed etc. but does not track vehicle
  • Bait cars/bikes are still being used
  • Grow ops in FH – most likely minimal due to laws in place.
  • Make sure to report crimes – it puts dot on map and influences # of officers servicing an area.
  • There are online apps to report suspicious activity in the community:
  1. Surrey RCMP
  2. RCMP Drugs Awareness


MLA Constituency report by Garry Begg

  • Garry can be reached by email at begg.mla@leg.bc.ca or by calling his office at 604-586-3747. Constituency office is at #201 15135 101 Ave (in the lot with Wendy’s)
  • Office – advocacy for constituents and outreach, plus can help connect you to provincial services
  • Crime in Surrey – the provincial gov’t responsibility is to the provincial enforcement teams
  • When RCMP came for resources, they were supplied e.g. integrated gang task force
  • Enforcement and Education – using the illustration – when you plant a tree you do not know if you’ll never sit under that tree. The same pertains to gangs – stop people from entering them takes years to see results as to their effectiveness.
  • Residents need to be adamant that enforcement is there and criminals are being monitored
  • Steve Pettigrew mentioned we were very lucky to have Sgt. Mike Spencer, Sgt. Mike Sanchez and the RCMP working in Surrey as they are very involved in the community.

Candidate(s) for Federal Election in Fleetwood-Port Kells

  • Mike Poulin from People’s Party of Canada – he is a leader and trainer in value-based leadership. Whatever Gov’t promises comes from us, the people of Canada.  We need to have common sense and feel we can have an opinion.
  • Ken Hardie, our Liberal MP, is running again to seek re-election. His constituency office is at 160th St and 84th  He has worked for ICBC, Translink, RCMP and, in his early days, as a back up engineer for radio.  Radio frequency has been handled with respect.  There has been a lot of discussion about 5G – need to ask questions and demand answers.  Look at policies, what’s being offered, where it will take us and, most of all, Vote!
  • Tanya Baertl from Green Party – resident of FH for several years – her issues are climate action, social injustice, affordability
  • Annie Ohana for NDP is an educator. She was at LA Matheson, where there’s an award winning social injustice program.  Her issues are affordability – bring down the prices for medications and cell phone bills.  Climate strikes to march to City Hall. Create more jobs in industries.  ca


Rogers Communication Towers – 2 towers were proposed for the corner of 157 St & 110 Ave

  • At this location, there are 3 lots not yet developed. The corner lot would have had 2 towers on the corner of its property when lot developed.  The tower’s cabinet is at least 6 feet tall at bottom of pole and the tower stands about 15 metres (about 50 feet).
  • The towers were going to be 4G but could easily be converted to 5G
  • Jack Hundial, Brenda Locke and Steven Pettigrew, all City councillors, were present tonight to listen to concerns of the cell tower issue.
  • Thanks to community for response to Rogers Communication Tower installation. Leaflets were hand delivered to homes in FH regarding the towers.  About 115 residents sent emails to Rogers and copied to directors.  A petition with 77 names was also sent in opposition to the towers.  Several residents expressed concern, at the meeting, about the health hazards of the 5G towers.
  • Due to the large demand for cell/wifi coverage, a proposal of 5 G every 150 metres is probably accurate as they provide very low coverage. Demand field strength testing is being done to measure what is being put out.  Keep asking questions.
  • Canadian regulations have not been revised to reflect 5G
  • Steven Pettigrew – chair of environment committee – suggested that several community groups should get together to deal with issues like this.
  • Engineering dept./Planning approves the Cell Tower proposals. Before towers can be installed, they need to be granted a variance.



  • Intersection at CN Intermodal yard and Golden Ears Connector – they’re putting in a new set of lights about 80 meters further east. Lights will activate on 179 St. to allow use of a different exit to disperse traffic from the cedar mill.


 Development – residential:

  • 42 townhouses (17494, 17502, 17524 110 Ave) – Public Hearing expected in October
  • Revision of density – 100th Ave by freeway and 176/SFPR – townhouse currently being developed and this is immediately to the west of that. Expected to go to City council Sept 22 (next Monday).  We’ve met with developer – consistent with one beside it.  Public hearing in Oct at City Hall.


Meetings for the 2019/2020 school year will be:

January 29, 2020

May 6, 2020

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